March 10, 2005 | 1 Minutes Read
Ok, I finally got the captcha working. Wasn’t that hard, but it was more the concept that was kind of eluding me… Where to send the data from the image and from the text box, how to compare them and so on.
I like the way my little script works, because if for whatever reason the commenter didn’t fil the captcha field properly, they wil be sent an email containing a link allowing them to publish their own comment. I’m wondering if spammers would learn how to make their robots do that… Anyway, doesn’t matter because I haven’t had a single comment spam since I changed over from wordpress yesterday. Wait and see, I guess.
March 09, 2005
March 09, 2005 | 2 Minutes Read
So this is it. I’ve been working on it for the past few days, and I’m quite happy with what I’ve got now. Of course, I’m sure many of you will not feel that way. I myself feel somewhat like having betrayed Wordpress…Anyway, the move is made now and I don’t think there’s any going back. I feel such a freedom from being able to hack the code in any (bad) way I want, it was like a breath of fresh air for me.There are still a lot of features left to implement, like pingback (that one is a toughie...
March 08, 2005
March 08, 2005 | 1 Minutes Read
Since the release of Wordpress 1.5, I’ve been wondering what to do with this blog.I looked at upgrading, but that would mean a few days of work to have the blog the way I like it again. I hacked WP 1.2 so much that it would be very difficult to just upgrade and expect everything to go smoothly. Also I asked to myself: do I really need a blogging tool to do coffee as well as allow me to publish stuff easily. I guess I mean that Wordpress now has many more features than I have use for, and I do...
March 04, 2005
March 04, 2005 | 0 Minutes Read
I just got myself one of the longest email addresses of the world, over at ABC… Whatever(via)!I just couldn’t stop laughing when I saw their ‘sales pitch’ on the home page, so I just had to open an account with them.So, feel free to write me at jfoucher@abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijk.comOoops, looks like that address is too big for my layout! ;)
March 01, 2005
March 01, 2005 | 0 Minutes Read
Grâce à DrDave et son plugin spamkarma, les commentaires sont de nouveau ouverts sur ce blog.Je verrai assez rapidement je pense l’efficacité de ce plugin. Si votre commentaire passe quand même à la trappe, n’hésitez m’envoyer un petit message
November 01, 2004
November 01, 2004 | 1 Minutes Read
This plugin allows you to show some text in ‘hacker language’, as shown below. The install instructions are repeated below in clear text if you have trouble reading this…To install this plugin, download the gzip archive, unpack the hacker.php file within and upload it to your wp-content/plugins directory.Once you have done this, activate it from the admin interface.Any text between and tags will now show in what I call ‘hacker style’, or ‘hacker language’, but there must be a better name fo...