New blog
So this is it. I’ve been working on it for the past few days, and I’m quite happy with what I’ve got now. Of course, I’m sure many of you will not feel that way. I myself feel somewhat like having betrayed Wordpress…
Anyway, the move is made now and I don’t think there’s any going back. I feel such a freedom from being able to hack the code in any (bad) way I want, it was like a breath of fresh air for me.
There are still a lot of features left to implement, like pingback (that one is a toughie!), a proper calendar, ideally using XMLHttpRequests, comments feeds, Atom feeds and a few more things. I would like some suggestions from readers as well, to see what can be done.
For now though, trackbacks should be functionnal (feel free to test it) and the RSS feed for articles is available. I reused some code from a few wordpress plugins, and I would like to give credit to Michel Fortin for Markdown, to Phu Ly & Dunstan Orchard & Michael Heilemann for Dunstan’s Time of day and Time Since, to Daryl for his Amazon wishlist plugin, although I don’t know if that will stay there for long, and to Bitflux for the LiveSearch functions. Thanks go out to all of them.
The Wordpress plugins are of course still available at the old URLs, although a few of them (especially the style_chooser, since the advent of themes) are now obsolete.
Anyway, hope you like the new design and all… I am waiting for your suggestions, bug reports, rants, and so on.